The renowned Bolivar Cofradia brand has been delighting connoisseurs of premium cigars for many decades. Daring and indulgent, appreciating the Bolivar Cofradia No. 654-Toro may require a few years of smoking experience. However, for those who consider themselves aficionados, there's every reason to add this full-bodied masterpiece to your collection.
Esteemed cigar manufacturer Padron employs a unique blend of long-fillers sourced from both Nicaragua and Honduras. This combination is then complemented by a Connecticut binder and an exquisite Connecticut Broadleaf/Ecuador Sumatra wrapper. The end result delivers a bold, robust smoke with pronounced earthy and spicy notes, creating a crisp and hearty flavor profile from the very first draw to the final puff.
In summary, the Bolivar Cofradia No. 654-Toro cigar, with its full-bodied character, promises an intense smoking experience and an invigorating aroma that will leave you yearning to savor it time and time again.