Caldwell exemplifies authenticity, consistently going above and beyond to source the finest tobaccos, and this commitment shines through in the exceptional Long Live the King cigars. Expanding on this revered line is the latest limited-edition release, Caldwell Long Live the King Limited Bar-None.
While Long Live The King incorporates tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Peru, Caldwell Long Live the King Limited Bar-None takes a different approach as a Dominican puro, showcasing wrapper and binder both derived from Cuban-seed tobaccos. Collaborating with Francisco "Chico" Rivas to craft this exclusive release at the Manufactura Rivas Factory in the Dominican Republic, this premium offering delivers a mellow-medium profile with distinctive notes of cedar and earth. Luxuriously rich and smooth, Caldwell Long Live the King Limited Bar-None is a standout addition to any cigar collection. Act swiftly, as only 500 boxes were produced in each size, making this limited release a rare and coveted gem.