Operating from the Rocky facility in Naples, Florida, the highly skilled blender and master cigar artisan, Hamlet Paredes, has been crafting timeless classics for an impressive quarter-century. To commemorate this remarkable milestone, Hamlet has unveiled a genuine masterpiece – the Rocky Patel Hamlet 25th Year. This cigar represents a celebration of a tobacco career destined for the annals of history.
The Rocky Patel Hamlet 25th Year boasts a mellow to medium body, featuring a luscious Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that envelopes robust Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers. Hamlet Paredes consistently upholds Cuban standards of quality, ensuring that each cigar in these boxes attains the status of a certified masterpiece. With delightful hints of cedar, coffee, and a subtle touch of spice in every draw, the answer to the age-old question, "to buy, or not to buy?" becomes abundantly clear.